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Special offers

Why is it worth sailing with us?

we have a simple booking system and transparent terms of cooperation
we have been on the market since 2009
we offer prices equal to or even lower than directly from shipowners
we cooperate with over 800 shipowners from different countries
we sail around the world - with us you will visit the most popular destinations

Yacht charter with Charter Navigator

We invite you to use the proven CharterNavigator charter yacht booking system, which has been on the market for over 10 years. You will find a huge number of locations with us, because we cooperate with over 600 shipowners around the world. The most popular are yacht charters in Croatia , due to its beautiful landscape, relatively easy access and excellent conditions and base for sailing. Places such as Zadar, Dubrovnik, Trogir are known to virtually every sailor. Croatia is also the best destination for sailors just starting sea sailing, because the very large number of islands allows you to feel like in Polish Masuria, where you do not lose sight of the land while sailing. Of course, a very rich sailing infrastructure improves the comfort of sailing, but unfortunately, therefore, the costs of mooring a yacht in Croatian marinas are relatively high. For sailors who like a little more challenge, we offer yacht charters in Greece , where the waves are usually bigger, the marinas are more modest than in Croatia, but the prices are much lower.


Great destinations for cruises in Europe are also neighboring Slovenia and Montenegro , as well as Italy , or the increasingly popular Turkey. From colder countries, we recommend Norway full of fjords, those looking for challenges in tidal waters - England, Ireland or Scotland, and from the Baltic countries ... Poland, with beautiful sandy beaches.

For those who are looking for warm, but more exotic seas, we can offer yacht charters in Cuba, the Caribbean, as well as the Seychelles, Thailand or New Caledonia.

In order to check all sailing directions, please go to the list of available locations or simply use the charter search engine. Our prices are identical and not once lower than the official prices proposed by shipowners. If you have a non-standard inquiry or would like to receive an individual offer, please use our quick inquiry form.

We always respond quickly, and we are at your disposal at any time.
We invite you to use our services!

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A rocky landscape, a Mediterranean climate, islets covered with pine forests, and towns full of hidden gems of architecture – all of this, along with the marinas at the world quality level, make Croatia a perfect destination for holidays under the sails.

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Greece is a country with a hugely varied coastline with many islands. It owes its favourable climate and high sun exposure to the fact that it is located in the most southern part of the Balkan Peninsula. Almost all Greek islands provide perfect conditions for holidays and water sports.

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It is a lovely country located on the Iberian Peninsula in the Southwest Europe. A warm climate and unique tourist attractions make Spain a hugely popular holiday destination. A chance to organize a variety of water-related events and activities is one of the most interesting forms of leisure...

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Balearic Islands

Thanks to their natural diversity, the Balearic Islands are unique and unearthly beautiful. What makes them so exceptional are a wonderful climate, idyllic cays, beautiful beaches, bustling marinas and towns, picturesque coasts, mountainous landscapes, and a whole mixture of various cultures:...

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Canary Islands

It is a place where summer lasts all year long and the sun shines 340 days a year. A destination with a perfect microclimate for European visitors. The warmest region in the whole Europe, where temperature in winter does not fall below 19 °C, while in the spring and summer season, due to cool...

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Turkey is not only a paradise for enthusiasts of holidays under the white sails, but also an extremely attractive destination for the people preoccupied with relics of the past, Oriental culture, and abundance of historical buildings and places of interest it hides. A feast of colours at the...

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It is a special place for sailors. Great weather, pristine beaches, the azure sea, and a slow rhythm of the day…what more can a sailor need, when at the same time in Europe winter sets in? The Caribbean is simply a Sailing Paradise.

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The largest island in the Mediterranean Sea (25,400 km²), lying southwest of the Apennine Peninsula, from which it is separated only by the narrow Strait of Messina. The island is inhabited by about 5 million inhabitants. Together with the islands: Aeolian Islands, Aegadian Islands, Pelagie...

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Situated fabulously in the centre of the Indian Ocean, the Seychelles is just perfect for all the people who want to enjoy unadulterated wildlife while on holiday under the white sails. It is commonly said that the number of shades of blue and green that one can observe on the island virtually...

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A country famous for pasta, olive oil, pizza, sun and, above all, magnificent architecture, fabulous coasts, plenty of islands, and breath-taking landscapes. A long coastline, a Mediterranean climate and well-equipped marinas each year attract sailors from all over the world.

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